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Ongoing Support

    • Ongoing support

      Point to Point Education offers world-class ongoing support to schools and teachers in our jobs network.

      • Welcome events

          • We host welcome events for all our new teachers. Often our Headteachers and Trust CEO’s will offer special workshops and information sessions as part of a welcome event, to give new teachers some additional insight into working as a teacher in a UK school. A celebratory induction, of sorts. 

      • Logistics

          • We support our teachers throughout the entire relocation process. We guide them through sourcing accommodation within a good commutable distance to your school, opening up a UK bank account, applying for their National Insurance Number, collecting BRPs and registering with a GP, to name just a few of the practicalities that help take the stress out of moving to a new country to begin a new teaching job.

      • School visits

          • We jump on a plane from Australia to come and visit you and your Point to Point teachers. This is a great way for us all to check-in and for us to learn more about your school and the environment our teachers are working in, which comes in handy for future recruitment for your school.

      • Dedicated Candidate Care Consultants

          • Your teachers receive regular phone calls and emails from our dedicated Candidate Care Consultants. The primary role of our Candidate Care Consultants is to support the wellbeing of our teachers and for us to be able to provide ongoing feedback to you.

      • Teacher meetups

        Connections are important to successful teacher placements. You can rest assured that your teachers will be well looked after in terms of support and will also be connected with other teachers within our Point to Point family. We arrange teacher meet-ups every Term and these are always wonderful events to catch up with peers as well as to make new connections.

      • Charity events

        Throughout the year we invite and encourage our teachers to take part in various charity events that we support. Again, these events offer opportunities to socialise and connect with like-minded teachers.

        Learn more about the charities we support

      • Point to Point posse

        Our Point to Point teachers are invited to join our closed Facebook Group, the ‘Point to Point Posse’. This group is a valuable online hub for our teachers to share tips on finding accommodation, transport links, car shares, opening UK banks accounts, National Insurance, travel deals and more.